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  • Title : Saga 

  • Concept : P.Ramlee




This version of Hang Tuah provides a bit of changes where Hang Tuah is portrayed as a young female warrior in the 21st century instead of the traditional story of Hang Tuah. In the modern world is where the Ormins exists, a creature that resembles exactly like normal people that kidnap humans and eats the flesh of human that can also be able to turn humans into one of the Ormins.


Saga is set in an alternate reality where humans and bunions are cooperating together in their way of life and form a new nation of Malanda. However, there is another creature that has been called as Ormins, carnivorous and cannibal parasite who like to live inside go human and possess them, hiding their true nature in the day time but craving for human flesh in the middle of the night. 


Andita Mahmud is a new girl with a lot of daddy daughter problem. Because of she had an issue with her dad who is the Principal of Malanda’s University which is also her old school. So she decided to be a transfer student to Taylor’s University without her father knowing to avoid the situation. (Because of asian parent, her dad force her to take different course that she did not want to.) First day in Taylor’s University, first thing that caught her attention at the new’s board are all the popsters of the missing students. Sooner or later, she meets this one popular girl in campus name Jamila Jebat. She is the campus’s princess. Everyone loves her because i-dont-know-why. Andita Mahmud and Jamila Jebat become really close to each other somehow. Until one day, Hang Tuah feels something is wrong and just weird about Hang Jebat. She finds that Jamila Jebat’s life routine is not the same as other human being. How she does not sleep even for a second. Sometimes she tend to speak several weird alienation languages to herself. Plus, she also loves to smell and sniff on people. One night, at 2 am in the morning Andita Mahmud went back to the studio to take her assignment that needs to be done by that night. The night is very dark and quiet. As soon as she opens the studio door she hears a sound crawling and scratching coming from the ceiling. Later as she turns her head to the sound leading to the fridge she sees a dark figure ripping the bulk of meat in the corner of the room. (She is cannibal.) She is so terrified and shocked, as she runs for her life. In fear yet the curiosity keeps haunting Andita Mahmud down. So, she decided to do a research on what is wrong with her friend Jamila Jebat. After several research, she finds the answer!! JAMILA JEBAT IS BEING POSSESS!! An or-min is living in her body and using her body. (An or-min is a parasite that will eat your soul till your body can become theirs. Plus, this or-min is inspired from the movie The Fantastic Beast as the ‘obscurus’.) Andita Mahmud knows that she has to do something to save Jamila Jebat before it is too late. So, she decides to meet Nenek Imah who is a witch or a ‘bomoh’/ that lives in the middle of Hutan Simpan to get all the answers she needs. Nenek Imah explains her everything that Andita Mahmud wants to know by telling her past as she was once a victim to the or-min just like Jamila Jebat. As the story goes on and on, Andita Mahmud finally knows what is need to be done by finding a magical ‘keris’ as the weapon to separate the or-min and her friend Jamila Jebat before the full moon appears. Andita Mahmud has no time to waste and starts to find the hidden ‘keris’. After finding the knife, Andita Mahmud rushes back to Taylor’s University to find Jamila Jebat before the full moon. (Nenek Imah said it will be permanently or-min which reaching a full moon.) Running around the campus, finally Andita Mahmud finds Jamila Jebat sitting on the _____. The fighting begins, as Jamila Jebat is 70% no longer her controls by the or-min. But by saying all the mantra given by Nenek Imah and the keris to absorb the or-min from Jamila Jebat’s body. (Inspired by Harry Potter’s mantra and the ‘keris’ as a wand.) Andita Mahmud successfully catches the evil vicious or-min with her magical ‘keris’. But Jamila Jebat is still unconscious. OH NO!! IS SHE DEAD?!! Andita Mahmud quickly runs to check on Jamila Jebat. She opens her eyes and suddenly her mouth mumble’ “Where am I? What happen?”. JAMILA JEBAT IS OKAY!!! Andita Mahmud explains everything to her. (If can, with a flesh back of what happened to her and she did.) The next day, Anita Mahmud planning to her throw away the mystical and magical ‘keris’ in a lake. But as soon as she got back to her room, the ‘keris’ is still there waiting for her. (That is how she gets to be titled as Hang Tuah by owning bravery to the magical ‘keris’). TO BE CONTINUE………..

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